
  • 2800 Leavenworth Street, San Francisco - CA 94133 (看地圖)
  • +1 (415) 441-1899
  • sanfrancisco@talk.edu





選擇TALK English Schools舊金山分校的學生,您將對這座迷人的城市有更多的了解。您可以乘坐著名的舊式有軌電車觀光,或騎自行車穿越金門大橋,或乘渡輪前往有名的惡魔島。最棒的是,當您沉浸在英語環境時,您將更深入認識舊金山和灣區!您將與舊金山當地居民, 以及來自其他國家學習英語的學生建立寶貴的友誼。



TALK English Schools 舊金山分校位於世界知名漁人碼頭附近的Anchorage廣場。附近生活便利, 步行可到餐廳,咖啡店, 超市, 精品店,和具有文化,歷史, 娛樂的地標。校區靠近舊金山市內公車, 有線纜車, 也有通往灣區各大城市的電車。在這裡學生可以一邊學習英語,一邊吸收最富活力的城市能量。


  • 全新裝潢, 個人化設計的學校
  • 6間大教室
  • 溫馨歡迎你的接待處
  • 互動式教學白板
  • 免費Wi-Fi
  • 座落在Anchorage 廣場的複合式建築,享有寬敞的戶外陽台區域
  • 收費停車場


  • 接待家庭
  • 學生公寓


  • 徒步可到公車站和叮噹車F線總站, 乘至Market Street 可轉搭其他大眾交通工具, 其中包含行經整個灣區大都市的BART
  • 鄰近機場: 舊金山國際機場 (SFO), 奧克蘭國際機場 (OAK)


  • 旅遊
  • 單程巴士車票 $2.50
  • 巴士全日票 $6.00
  • 單程火車車票 $3.75 - $15**
  • 火車全日票 $7.50 - $30.00**
  • BART 月票 $90.00+**
  • 食物
  • 午餐平均 $8 每人
  • 晚餐平均 $20 每人
  • 博物館和觀光景點
  • 多數博物館/ 遊覽/ 景點費用 $20 - $30
  • 體育活動
  • 體育活動的票價 $8 - $150 視體育和球隊而有不同
  • 天氣





I’ve enjoyed a lot my time in Talk San Francisco. It’s a place where besides improving your English, you can meet people from different places and participate in great activities planned by Talk’s staff. The Bay Area is beautiful and there are many places to visit during the weekends.
learn english in San Francisco

Natalia Zambrano, from Colombia

When I arrived to TALK San Francisco at NDNU everyone was very helpful. I liked to study English and I had a lot of American and International friends. I learned a lot about Campus life and American culture and also I had so many good experiences. I really enjoyed the time in TALK English Schools.
learn English in San Francisco

Eszter Ferenczi, from Hungary

Studying in Talk San Francisco has been an interesting experience because you get to know many people of different countries. I also enjoyed a lot living in the Bay Area.

Santiago Vélez, from Colombia

When I came to Belmont I knew this place is wonderful. San Francisco is so beautiful. I love the Golden Gate Bridge! My favorite experience is going to The De Young Museum. In fact, I didn’t like go to the museum before but since my teacher took me to visit the museum, I fell in love to go to different museums to enjoy the arts! And in TALK I find a lot friends ~and best friend!Choosing TALK in NDNU is the best choice in my life!
learn English in San Francisco

I-Ling Liu, from Taiwan



  • 此外,加州私立中學教育局 (bppe.ca.gov). 批准了加利福尼亞州TALK English Schools的學校作為認可機構營運。批准營運符合2009年《加利福尼亞州私立中學教育法》所規定的州標準。

  • 瀏覽 California State Disclosures list 獲取在該州提交和/或要求在學生註冊之前應提供的文件。

    San Francisco學習英語

    需要協助? 聯繫我們


    如果您對於TALK 或我們的課程有任何疑問,或是您需要進一步的協助,點入下方鍵和我們聯繫!



    TALK Schools與UnistudyUSA,TALK IELTS中心,TALK Kids,Real World Translations和Brentwood一起是TALK教育集團的一部分。

    Summer Flash Promo: Only $110/week for bookings of 5 weeks or more at all 6 locations!


    This course is designed for students to develop a general knowledge of literature, art, music, and the performing arts. The course covers periods from classical to contemporary in the fields of poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film. Students will develop a framework to comprehend, analyze and interpret various works of art.