Business Professional Development

TALK provides you the opportunity to gain a deep understanding of the modern business world by studying the most important subjects while developing your professional business skills and advancing your English proficiency.

Courses are designed to cover the theoretical basis and fundamental principles of each subject, and include analytical tools used by business managers to make important real-life decisions.

These are avocational courses and do not prepare students for a job of any type.


  • Improvement of your English proficiency and presentation skills;
  • Development of new skills and acquisition of international contacts with other students from around the world;
  • A deeper understanding of the global economy and the business world;
  • Receiving a Certificate of Attendance or Course Completion for each subject (after attaining a passing grade).


  • F-1 visa and minimum age of 18 years old;
  • High-school completion;
  • English proficiency of Level 6 or higher;
  • Minimum enrollment of 1 full course;
  • Demonstrate maturity and willingness to participate in classroom activities.

This course is designed for students to develop a general knowledge of literature, art, music, and the performing arts. The course covers periods from classical to contemporary in the fields of poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film. Students will develop a framework to comprehend, analyze and interpret various works of art.

This course is designed for students to develop an understanding of how free markets work to allocate resources efficiently, how individual consumers make economic decisions to maximize utility, how individual firms make decisions to maximize profits, how to identify the characteristics of the different market structures, and how to analyze the behavior of firms in terms of price and output.

The goal is for students to develop an understanding of the history and sources of American law and the legal system, and its application to businesses and commerce. Emphasis is placed on the functions of contracts in American business law, specifically as applied to torts, agency, employment, and sales.

This course is designed for students to understand concepts including the role of marketing in society and within a firm, consumer and organizational markets, marketing strategy planning, the marketing mix, marketing institutions, and other selected topics, such as international marketing, ethics, marketing research, services, and not-for-profit marketing.

This course is designed for students to develop a knowledge and understanding of the basic principles and concepts of science, the comprehension of scientific information, and the understanding of issues of science in contemporary society. Students will learn the qualitative and quantitative application of scientific principles.

This course is designed for students to develop an understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economy.  Concepts including the general price level, output, income, gross domestic product, and consumption, are discussed.  Also, the interrelations among sectors of the economy, aggregate supply, monetary and fiscal policy tools that can be used to achieve specific policy objectives are considered.

Lịch học hàng tuần

  • 18 bài / tuần
  • Yêu cầu thị thực sinh viên F1
  • lịch trình 4 ngày mỗi tuần
Mondays to ThursdayMorningsEvenings *
Class (Tue only)15:30 – 17:20 **
Break (Tue only)17:20 – 17:50
Class9:00 – 10:5017:50 – 19:40
Break10:50 – 11:2019:40 – 20:10
Class11:20 – 13:1020:10 – 22:00
Break (Mon only)13:10 – 13:40
Class (Mon only)13:40 – 15:30 **

* Evening schedule not available at all schools
** BC16 does not include this session

Student Start DateSummer Break No. of WeeksSummer Break Dates
In 2024 - summer course required5 WeeksJul 28 - Aug 31

Business Professional Development is available at

Nhận báo giá miễn phí ngay

Bạn cần trợ giúp? Liên hệ chúng tôi

Bạn cần trợ giúp?

Nếu bạn có bất kì câu hỏi nào hay lời nhận xét về trường, các chương trình đào tạo ngôn ngữ của TALK hoặc bạn cần thêm thông tin, hãy nhấn vào nút bên dưới để liên lạc ngay với chúng tôi!

Công nhận & Hiệp hội

Các trường Anh ngữ TALK được Bộ An ninh Nội địa Hoa Kỳ và ACCET công nhận và là thành viên của TESOL, NAFSA, IELTS và ATD.

Trường Anh ngữ TALK là một phần của Tập đoàn Giáo dục TALK, cùng với UnistudyUSA, Trung tâm IELTS TALK, TALK Kids, Real World Translations và Brentwood.

Summer Flash Promo: Only $110/week for bookings of 5 weeks or more at all 6 locations!


This course is designed for students to develop a general knowledge of literature, art, music, and the performing arts. The course covers periods from classical to contemporary in the fields of poetry, prose, philosophy, art, architecture, music, dance, theater, and film. Students will develop a framework to comprehend, analyze and interpret various works of art.